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MergedFeed Properties

The MergedFeed type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating that the merged feed is to be used.
Public propertyIcaoTimeout
Gets or sets the number of milliseconds that any given receiver will be considered to be the only source of messages for an ICAO.
Public propertyIgnoreAircraftWithNoPosition
Gets or sets a value indicating that aircraft are ignored until they report a position that isn't 0/0.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name that the merged feed will be known by.
Public propertyReceiverFlags
Gets a list of settings stored against each receiver that is merged into this feed.
Public propertyReceiverIds
Gets a list of the IDs for the receivers that are going to be merged into this feed.
Public propertyReceiverUsage
Gets or sets a value indicating how the merged feed is going to be used by the system.
Public propertyUniqueId
Gets or sets the unique identifier of the merged feed. This value is unique across MergedFeed and Receiver records. It cannot be zero.
See Also