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InternetClientSettings Properties

The InternetClientSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowInternetProximityGadgets
Gets or sets a value indicating whether proximity gadgets can connect to this server over the Internet.
Public propertyCanPlayAudio
Gets or sets a value indicating that Internet clients are allowed to play audio from the server.
Public propertyCanRunReports
Gets or sets a value indicating that Internet clients are allowed to run reports.
Public propertyCanShowPictures
Gets or sets a value indicating that Internet clients are allowed to see aircraft pictures.
Public propertyCanShowPinText
Gets or sets a value indicating that Internet clients are allowed to show text labels on the aircraft pins.
Public propertyCanShowPolarPlots
Gets or sets a value indicating that Internet clients can see polar plots.
Public propertyCanSubmitRoutes
Gets or sets a value indicating that Internet clients can see the links to submit routes.
Public propertyTimeoutMinutes
Gets or sets the number of minutes of inactivity before the client times out and stops asking for the aircraft list. If this is zero then the timeout is disabled.
See Also