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ControlField Enumeration
An enumeration of the different values contained within the CF field of DF18 replies.

Namespace: VirtualRadar.Interface.ModeS
Assembly: VirtualRadar.Interface (in VirtualRadar.Interface.dll) Version: (
public enum ControlField
  Member nameValueDescription
AdsbDeviceTransmittingIcao240 Non-transponder ADS-B device transmitting ICAO24 code in the AA field.
AdsbDeviceNotTransmittingIcao241 Non-transponder ADS-B device transmitting a non-ICAO24 address in the AA field.
FineFormatTisb2 Fine-format TIS-B message.
CoarseFormatTisb3 Coarse-format TIS-B message.
TisbManagement4 Reserved for TIS-B management messages.
TisbRelayNotTransmittingIcao245 TIS-B relay of ADS-B messages that have a non-ICAO24 address in the AA field.
AdsbRebroadcastOfExtendedSquitter6 ADS-B rebroadcast using same type codes and message formats as defined for Extended Squitter (DF17) messages.
CF77 Reserved.
See Also