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VirtualRadar.Interface.ModeS Namespace
The namespace for all of the interfaces and objects associated with decoding raw Mode-S messages from aircraft.
Public classModeSMessage
Describes the content of a downlink message from a Mode A/C/S transponder.
Public classModeSMessageEventArgs
The event that is raised when a listener to a source of raw Mode-S messages from an aircraft receives a message.
Public interfaceIModeSParity
The interface for objects that can strip parity from a Mode-S message.
Public interfaceIModeSTranslator
The interface for objects that can decode a raw Mode-S downlink message sent by a transponder into the information carried by the Mode-S message. Note that this does not decode the content of extended squitter messages.
Public enumerationApplicationField
An enumeration of the different possible values for the AF field in DF19 messages.
Public enumerationCapability
An enumeration of the different communications capabilities of a transponder.
Public enumerationControlField
An enumeration of the different values contained within the CF field of DF18 replies.
Public enumerationDownlinkFormat
An enumeration of the different downlink formats transmitted by transponders.
Public enumerationElmControl
An enumeration of the different values of the ELM control bit in KE fields.
Public enumerationFlightStatus
An enumeration of the different values for FS fields in transponder replies.
Public enumerationVerticalStatus
An enumeration of the different possible values in a VS field.