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WebServerSettings Properties

The WebServerSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdministratorUserIds
Gets the list of users that are considered to be administrators of the site.
Public propertyAuthenticationScheme
Gets or sets the authentication scheme that the server will employ for new connections.
Public propertyAutoStartUPnP
Gets or sets a value indicating that server should automatically go onto the Internet when the program first starts up.
Public propertyBasicAuthenticationPasswordHash
Gets or sets the hash of the password for the basic authentication user.
Public propertyBasicAuthenticationUser
Gets or sets the user for basic authentication.
Public propertyBasicAuthenticationUserIds
Gets the list of users that can log onto the site when Basic Authentication is switched on.
Public propertyConvertedUser
Gets or sets a value indicating that the BasicAuthenticationUser and BasicAuthenticationPasswordHash have been converted to an IUser and are now managed by the IUserManager.
Public propertyEnableUPnp
Gets or sets a value indicating that the server is allowed to control UPnP NAT routers.
Public propertyIsOnlyInternetServerOnLan
Gets or sets a value indicating that this is the only instance of VRS on the LAN that is allowed to respond to requests from the Internet.
Public propertyUPnpPort
Gets or sets the port number that the UPnP NAT router will listen on for traffic to forward to VRS.
See Also