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IRawMessageTranslator Interface
The interface for classes that can translate Mode-S and ADS-B messages into BaseStation messages.

Namespace: VirtualRadar.Interface.BaseStation
Assembly: VirtualRadar.Interface (in VirtualRadar.Interface.dll) Version: (
public interface IRawMessageTranslator : IDisposable

The IRawMessageTranslator type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAcceptIcaoInNonPICount
Gets or sets the number of times an ICAO has to be seen in a Mode-S message (regardless of whether it carries PI) before it will be accepted. 0 disables the feature.
Public propertyAcceptIcaoInNonPIMilliseconds
Gets or sets the number of milliseconds over which AcceptIcaoInNonPICount will be measured.
Public propertyAcceptIcaoInPI0Count
Gets or sets the number of times an ICAO has to be seen in a Mode-S message that carries PI, and where PI = 0, before it will be accepted.
Public propertyAcceptIcaoInPI0Milliseconds
Gets or sets the number of milliseconds over which AcceptIcaoInPI0Count will be measured.
Public propertyGlobalDecodeAirborneThresholdMilliseconds
Gets or sets the number of milliseconds that an odd/even pair of CPR coordinates must be received within to be usable for a global decode of airborne position.
Public propertyGlobalDecodeFastSurfaceThresholdMilliseconds
Gets or sets the number of milliseconds that an odd/even pair of CPR coordinates must be received within to be usable for a global decode of surface position of a vehicle travelling faster than 25 knots.
Public propertyGlobalDecodeSlowSurfaceThresholdMilliseconds
Gets or sets the number of milliseconds that an odd/even pair of CPR coordinates must be received within to be usable for a global decode of surface position of a vehicle travelling at or below 25 knots.
Public propertyIgnoreInvalidCodeBlockInOtherMessages
Gets or sets a value indicating that ICAOs that are not in a recognised code block are to be ignored for messages that do not have parity.
Public propertyIgnoreInvalidCodeBlockInParityMessages
Gets or sets a value indicating that ICAOs that are not in a recognised code block are to be ignored for messages that have parity.
Public propertyIgnoreMilitaryExtendedSquitter
Gets or sets a value indicating that military extended squitter messages are to be ignored.
Public propertyLocalDecodeMaxSpeedAirborne
Gets or sets the number of kilometres over 30 seconds that an airborne vehicle can travel before a local decode is deemed to be inaccurate.
Public propertyLocalDecodeMaxSpeedSurface
Gets or sets the number of kilometres / 30 seconds that a vehicle on the ground can travel before a local decode is deemed to be inaccurate.
Public propertyLocalDecodeMaxSpeedTransition
Gets or sets the number of kilometres / 30 seconds that a vehicle tranisitioning between airborne and surface positions can travel before a local decode is deemed to be inaccurate.
Public propertyReceiverLocation
Gets or sets the location of the receiver.
Public propertyReceiverRangeKilometres
Gets or sets the maximum range of the receiver in kilometres.
Public propertyStatistics
Gets or sets the statistics to update when translating messages.
Public propertySuppressCallsignsFromBds20
Gets or sets a value indicating that callsigns are not to be used if they came from what appeared to be a Mode-S BDS2,0 message.
Public propertySuppressReceiverRangeCheck
Gets or sets a value indicating that decoded locations that are further away than the receiver can see are still allowed through, disabling part of the ICAO reasonableness tests.
Public propertySuppressTisbDecoding
Gets or sets a value indicating whether TIS-B messages should be ignored.
Public propertyTrackingTimeoutSeconds
Gets or sets the number of seconds before aircraft that are no longer being received are forgotten about.
Public propertyUseLocalDecodeForInitialPosition
Gets or sets a value indicating that local decoding should be used to determine the initial position of an aircraft instead of global decoding of an odd / even frame.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodTranslate
Translates the Mode-S message, and the optional ADS-B message carried by it, into a BaseStation message.
Public eventPositionReset
Raised during the processing of Translate(DateTime, ModeSMessage, AdsbMessage) when it becomes apparent that a previous position established for an aircraft was wrong and it has been reset.
Implementations are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.
See Also