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ISimpleAircraftList Interface
The interface for implementations of IAircraftList that can have aircraft created and added to the list by the program rather than from an external source like an instance of BaseStation.

Namespace: VirtualRadar.Interface
Assembly: VirtualRadar.Interface (in VirtualRadar.Interface.dll) Version: (
public interface ISimpleAircraftList : IAircraftList, 
	IBackgroundThreadExceptionCatcher, IDisposable

The ISimpleAircraftList type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAircraft
Gets the list of aircraft that will be exposed by the standard aircraft list methods.
Public propertyCount
Gets the total number of aircraft currently being tracked.
(Inherited from IAircraftList.)
Public propertyIsTracking
Gets a value indicating that the aircraft list is tracking aircraft.
(Inherited from IAircraftList.)
Public propertyListSyncLock
Gets the object that should be used to lock the Aircraft list before it is modified.
Public propertySource
Gets or sets the aircraft source - overrides the base version which is read-only.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodFindAircraft
Returns details of the aircraft with the unique ID passed across or null if no such aircraft exists. The aircraft returned is a clone of the orignal, it will not change as further messages are received from the aircraft.
(Inherited from IAircraftList.)
Public methodStart
Starts the tracking of aircraft.
(Inherited from IAircraftList.)
Public methodStop
Stops tracking aircraft.
(Inherited from IAircraftList.)
Public methodTakeSnapshot
Returns a list of all of the aircraft currently being tracked. The aircraft objects are clones of the originals held by the list, they will not change as further messages are received from the aircraft.
(Inherited from IAircraftList.)
Public eventCountChanged
Raised when the count of aircraft has changed. This could be raised from any thread, it needn't be raised on a GUI thread.
(Inherited from IAircraftList.)
Public eventExceptionCaught
Raised when an exception is caught on the background thread. The background thread should not pass ThreadAbortException through this.
(Inherited from IBackgroundThreadExceptionCatcher.)
Public eventTrackingStateChanged
Raised when the aircraft list is started or stopped. Could be raised from any thread.
(Inherited from IAircraftList.)
This is used to hold aircraft lists that are generated by the program, such as the flight simulator aircraft list.
See Also