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AircraftType Properties

The AircraftType type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEnginePlacement
Gets or sets an indication of how the engines are mounted on the aircraft.
Public propertyEngines
Gets or sets the number of engines - 1, 2, 3 etc. or C for two engines coupled to drive a single propeller. This will be null if the number of engines is not known or not applicable.
Public propertyEngineType
Gets or sets the type of engine predominantly used to propel the aircraft.
Public propertyManufacturers
Gets a list of every manufacturer that has an aircraft that uses this type code.
Public propertyModels
Gets a list of every model that is covered by this type code. There will be one entry in this list for every entry in Manufacturers.
Public propertySpecies
Gets or sets the type of aircraft this is (fixed-wing, seaplane, helicopter etc.).
Public propertyType
Gets or sets the aircraft type code.
Public propertyWakeTurbulenceCategory
Gets or sets the heaviest wake turbulence category that applies to the aircraft.
See Also