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MasterListToListBinderTModel, TListModel Properties

The MasterListToListBinderTModel, TListModel generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddHandler
Gets or sets the method that handles the adding of new items. Can only be set before initialisation.
Public propertyAutoAddEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating that if AddHandler is null then an automatic add handler should be used.
Public propertyAutoDeleteEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating that if DeleteHandler is null then an automatic delete handler should be used.
Public propertyCheckedChangedHandler
Gets or sets the method that handles the change in checked state for an existing item. Can only be set before initialisation.
Public propertyControl
Gets the control that is showing the list.
Public propertyControlObject
Gets the control that has been bound to the model.
(Inherited from ControlBinder.)
Public propertyControlValueObject
See base docs.
(Overrides ControlBinderControlValueObject.)
Public propertyDeleteHandler
Gets or sets the method that handles the removal of existing items. Can only be set before initialisation.
Public propertyEditHandler
Gets or sets the method that handles the editing of an existing item. Can only be set before initialisation.
Public propertyEnableSorting
Gets or sets a value indicating that the rows are to be sorted on display. Can only be set before initialisation.
Public propertyFetchColumns
Gets or sets the method that handles the fetching of columns. Can only be set before initialisation.
Public propertyGetSortValue
Gets or sets a delegate that returns a comparable value from the list model for a single column.
Public propertyInitialised
Gets a value indicating that the object has been initialised.
(Inherited from ControlBinder.)
Public propertyModel
Gets the model that owns the list.
Public propertyModelList
Gets the list held by the model.
Public propertyModelListBindingList
Gets the ModelList as an IBindingList.
Public propertyModelObject
Gets the model that has been bound to the control.
(Inherited from ControlBinder.)
Public propertyModelValueObject
See base docs.
(Overrides ControlBinderModelValueObject.)
Public propertyUpdateMode
Gets or sets an indication of when values are copied from the control to the model. Cannot be modified once the binder has been initialised.
(Inherited from ControlBinder.)
See Also