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SqlMapper Class
Dapper, a light weight object mapper for ADO.NET
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Dapper
Assembly: VirtualRadar.Database (in VirtualRadar.Database.dll) Version: (
public static class SqlMapper

The SqlMapper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberConnectionStringComparer
How should connection strings be compared for equivalence? Defaults to StringComparer.Ordinal. Providing a custom implementation can be useful for allowing multi-tenancy databases with identical schema to share strategies. Note that usual equivalence rules apply: any equivalent connection strings MUST yield the same hash-code.
Public methodStatic memberAddTypeHandler(Type, SqlMapperITypeHandler)
Configure the specified type to be processed by a custom handler
Public methodStatic memberAddTypeHandlerT(SqlMapperTypeHandlerT)
Configure the specified type to be processed by a custom handler
Public methodStatic memberAddTypeHandlerImpl
Configure the specified type to be processed by a custom handler
Public methodStatic memberAddTypeMap
Configure the specified type to be mapped to a given db-type
Public methodStatic memberAsListT
Obtains the data as a list; if it is *already* a list, the original object is returned without any duplication; otherwise, ToList() is invoked.
Public methodStatic memberAsTableValuedParameter
Used to pass a DataTable as a TableValuedParameter
Public methodStatic memberCreateParamInfoGenerator
Internal use only
Public methodStatic memberExecute(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)
Execute parameterized SQL
Public methodStatic memberExecute(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, NullableInt32, NullableCommandType)
Execute parameterized SQL
Public methodStatic memberExecuteReader(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)
Execute parameterized SQL and return an IDataReader
Public methodStatic memberExecuteReader(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition, CommandBehavior)
Execute parameterized SQL and return an IDataReader
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleExecuteReader(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, NullableInt32, NullableCommandType)
Execute parameterized SQL and return an IDataReader
Public methodStatic memberExecuteScalar(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)
Execute parameterized SQL that selects a single value
Public methodStatic memberExecuteScalar(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, NullableInt32, NullableCommandType)
Execute parameterized SQL that selects a single value
Public methodStatic memberExecuteScalarT(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)
Execute parameterized SQL that selects a single value
Public methodStatic memberExecuteScalarT(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, NullableInt32, NullableCommandType)
Execute parameterized SQL that selects a single value
Public methodStatic memberFindOrAddParameter Obsolete.
Internal use only
Public methodStatic memberFormat Obsolete.
Convert numeric values to their string form for SQL literal purposes
Public methodStatic memberGetDbType Obsolete.
Get the DbType that maps to a given value
Public methodStatic memberGetTypeDeserializer
Internal use only
Public methodStatic memberGetTypeMap
Gets type-map for the given type
Public methodStatic memberGetTypeName
Fetch the type name associated with a DataTable
Public methodStatic memberPackListParameters Obsolete.
Internal use only
Public methodStatic memberPurgeQueryCache
Purge the query cache
Public methodStatic memberQuery(IDbConnection, String, Object)
Return a list of dynamic objects, reader is closed after the call
Public methodStatic memberQuery(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction)
Return a list of dynamic objects, reader is closed after the call
Public methodStatic memberQuery(IDbConnection, String, Object, NullableCommandType)
Return a list of dynamic objects, reader is closed after the call
Public methodStatic memberQuery(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, NullableCommandType)
Return a list of dynamic objects, reader is closed after the call
Public methodStatic memberQuery(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, NullableInt32, NullableCommandType)
Return a list of dynamic objects, reader is closed after the call
Public methodStatic memberQuery(IDbConnection, Type, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, NullableInt32, NullableCommandType)
Executes a query, returning the data typed as per the Type suggested
Public methodStatic memberQueryT(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)
Executes a query, returning the data typed as per T
Public methodStatic memberQueryT(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, NullableInt32, NullableCommandType)
Executes a query, returning the data typed as per T
Public methodStatic memberQueryTFirst, TSecond, TReturn(IDbConnection, String, FuncTFirst, TSecond, TReturn, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, NullableInt32, NullableCommandType)
Maps a query to objects
Public methodStatic memberQueryTFirst, TSecond, TThird, TReturn(IDbConnection, String, FuncTFirst, TSecond, TThird, TReturn, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, NullableInt32, NullableCommandType)
Maps a query to objects
Public methodStatic memberQueryTFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TReturn(IDbConnection, String, FuncTFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TReturn, Object, IDbTransaction, Boolean, String, NullableInt32, NullableCommandType)
Perform a multi mapping query with 4 input parameters
Public methodStatic memberQueryMultiple(IDbConnection, CommandDefinition)
Execute a command that returns multiple result sets, and access each in turn
Public methodStatic memberQueryMultiple(IDbConnection, String, Object, IDbTransaction, NullableInt32, NullableCommandType)
Execute a command that returns multiple result sets, and access each in turn
Public methodStatic memberReadChar Obsolete.
Internal use only
Public methodStatic memberReadNullableChar Obsolete.
Internal use only
Public methodStatic memberReplaceLiterals
Replace all literal tokens with their text form
Public methodStatic memberResetTypeHandlers
Clear the registered type handlers
Public methodStatic memberSetTypeMap
Set custom mapping for type deserializers
Public methodStatic memberSetTypeName
Associate a DataTable with a type name
Public methodStatic memberThrowDataException Obsolete.
Throws a data exception, only used internally
Public eventStatic memberQueryCachePurged
Called if the query cache is purged via PurgeQueryCache
See Also