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AirborneCapabilityVersion2 Enumeration
An enumeration of the aircraft capability flags transmitted in version 2 ADS-B aircraft operational status messages.

Namespace: VirtualRadar.Interface.Adsb
Assembly: VirtualRadar.Interface (in VirtualRadar.Interface.dll) Version: (
public enum AirborneCapabilityVersion2
  Member nameValueDescription
ReservedForAdsr16 Reserved for ADS-R.
HasUniversalAccessTransceiver32 The aircraft has UAT receive capability.
HasMultipleTargetChangeReport64 The aircraft can send messages for multiple TC reports.
HasSingleTargetChangeReport128 The aircraft can send messages for the TC+0 report only.
HasTargetStateReport256 The aircraft can send messages for TS reports.
HasAirReferencedVelocityReport512 The aircraft can send messages for ARV reports.
HasCockpitDisplayTrafficInformation4096 The aircraft has CDTI.
TcasIsOperational8192 TCAS / ACAS is operational (note this is the reverse of the meaning for the same bit in version 0 and 1 messages).
See Also